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These downloads are organized into :

  • org/4xt/xxx where you'll find the java sources and classes
  • examples where you'll find the examples showing how to use these classes.
  • rss 1.0 where you'll find stylesheets and java classes related to RSS 1.0.
  • JrdfDB a Java interface to rdfDB.
  • 4xt.jar a jar file with the org.4xt classes.
  • 4xt.gz a gziped tar of the complete download directory.
  • CraneSoftwrights free download of the complete text of the first two and last two modules of the Seventh Edition of "Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath" including an illustrative documentation for XT.

You'll find more info in the examples directory.

Copyright information

This is free (Open Source) software. See :

Other related resources

Commercial Users


  • XT : The XT page by James Clark.

Extensions for XT

  • XPath interface for XT : XPath interface for XT provides for DOM query API facifities on top of XT. It is implemented in Java language and complies with W3C's XPath Proposed Recommendation as is currently implemented in XT.
  • Custom XT : This is a very small hack on James Clark's XT package. It allows to dynamically select the result processor, based on the Result namespace

Tools using XT

  • FOP : FOP is the world's first print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects. It is a Java 1.1 application that reads a formatting object tree and then turns it into a PDF document. The formatting object tree, can be in the form of an XML document (output by an XSLT engine like XT or Xalan) or can be passed in memory as a DOM Document or (in the case of XT) SAX events.
  • GIAXT (ColdFusion Tag Extension) : GIAXT is a custom ColdFusion tag written by Granularity Information Architecture, Inc. that allows ColdFusion programmers to use the latest W3C Working Draft for XSL Transformations (XSLT).
  • Majix (Word to XML converter) : Majix 1.1 is the third release of a Microsoft Word to XML converter written in Java. It corrects some bugs from version 1.0 and provides support for XSL through James Clarck's XT
  • xmlBlaster (Message oriented Middleware) : XmlBlaster is a publish/subscribe and point to point MOM server (message-oriented middleware) which exchanges messages between publishers and subscribers. The message is described with XML-encoded meta information. Messages may contain everything, GIF images, Java objects, Python scripts, XML data, a word document, plain text - just anything.
  • Ux : Ux is a toolbox providing a Unix like extensible environment for XML processing. Commands, writen using XSLT or Java can be created, used from a command line processor and piped (using SAX event).
  • PXSLServlet : PXSLServlet generates XML from SQL and other sources. Version 0.3 allows user to use the power of XSLT with data stored in any SQL database and to write flexible interactive web applications without programming in perl or java.
  • SFML - Simple Form Markup Language : SFML is a XML language to define HTML or WML input forms through a XT XSLT transformation also generating the Javascript to check the validity of the user entries.
  • Docuverse slideshow : Stylesheet generating several HTML files (using the xt:document extension) from a single document to produce a slide show.
  • XTask : XTask is an XSLT task for Java generation system Ant (a Java replacement for make).

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