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[list4xt] Re: How to pass parameters to DOM version of XT XSLTProcessor ?

Subject: [list4xt] Re: How to pass parameters to DOM version of XT XSLTProcessor ?
From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 29/04/2000 - 08:51

Hi Zvi,

You can't without modifications !

This is handled within XSLTransformEngine.java by the private class
TransformImpl implementing the ParameterSet interface and also calling
sheet.process(...) with a reference to itself as a parameter set.

This class is a very limited implementation of ParameterSet :(

    public Object getParameter(Name name) {
      return null;

To pass parameters to the DOM version, you should add a proper
ParameterSet implementation (through this class or a specific one) and
in the calling classes (XSLTransformEngine and the one above).

Hope this helps.

Zvi wrote:
> How to pass parameters to DOM version of XT XSLTProcessor ?
> 10x!

Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://high-riskmerchantaccount.com
creator                  http://merchantaccountsllc.com -              http://theladieswholunch.org
editor                   http://collectionagencymerchantaccounts.com              http://entrustbankcard.com

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