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[list4xt] Re: Status of XT

Subject: [list4xt] Re: Status of XT
From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 01/05/2000 - 20:59

Hi Senthil,

senthil@portal.com wrote:
> Hello,
> Good site..

You're welcome to help improving it ;=)

> Does any body in the list have any news on future of XT. Is James C.
> going to actively update it? Or will it become a Open source effort..

I don't know what are James' plans about XT.
XT is already Open Source...

> Few in my wish list are:

This is a good idea, I'll try to formalize a "wish list" on the site.
> 1. A DOM output method handler. (Mixing SAX and DOM for document and stylesheet
> is supported but you could get DOM output, only iif both your
> inputs are DOM)

Have you looked at the com.jclark.xsl.dom.DOMBuilder class ?
I think that com.jclark.xsl.dom.XSLTransformEngine should be considered
as an example and that other combinations (for example SAX input and DOM
output) should work as well.
I haven't tested it, but from source investigation, looks like what you
call a DOM output method handler.

> 2. Set default encoding for Text output. I get NullPointerException when I have
> ByteArrayOutputStream as my output. Traced down to not setting encoding when getting
> the writer..

I'll add it to the wish list.

> 3. Selectively expose private class variables either making them
> protected or providing getter and setter methods..

Yes, I can't but agree with regards to the Xhtml output handler !



Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://mtbaldychamber.com
creator                  http://merchant-account-explorer.com -              http://vapingme.com
editor                   http://gastonfederalbank.com              http://high-riskmerchantaccount.com

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