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[list4xt] RTF parser

Subject: [list4xt] RTF parser
From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 10/05/2000 - 22:57


I'd like to develop or integrate a RTF parser as a add-on 4xt and I
haven't found any Java Open Source RTF parsers which would fit (the
parser has to deliver SAX events).

It looks like you can use the Swing RTFEditorKit class to do this.

Would you have any other pointers, suggestions or examples of uses which
could help ?



Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://citizensbankcarthagetn.com
http://firearmsmerchantservice.com -           http://businessintelsummit.com              http://retailsymposium.com

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