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[list4xt] XHTML output handler proposed behavior (was Re: ...nits)

Subject: [list4xt] XHTML output handler proposed behavior (was Re: ...nits)

User: Website

From: Mike Brown (mike@skew.org)
Date: 13/05/2000 - 03:12

Eric van der Vlist wrote:
> Is there anything else than the C.2 and C.3 appendixes to implement ?


C.1 can be acknowledged by allowing processing instructions to be
optionally omitted from the output, either as an automatic process based
on the target browser (if the "adaptable" handler is implemented), or via
an attribute on xsl:output that acts like a switch.

C.4 can probably be ignored, although you might kick out a warning if a
<style> or <script> element has descendant comment or text nodes that
contain < or & or ]]> or --.

C.5 can probably be ignored, although again, a warning might be in order
if an attribute value contains LF, CR, or a sequence of 2 or more LF, CR,
tab or space characters.

For C.6 through C.9, I propose that the output method add or remove
elements and attributes:

For C.6: Only output the first <isindex> element encountered in the
result tree.

For C.7: If there is a 'lang' attribute but no 'xml:lang' attribute,
output an 'xml:lang' attribute with the same value as the lang attribute.
If there is an 'xml:lang' attribute but no 'lang' attribute, output a
lang attribute with the same value as the 'xml:lang' attribute. If both
are present, output both as-is.

For C.8: Add an 'id' attribute to elements that have a 'name' attribute.
Do not add a 'name' attribute to elements that have only an 'id'. A
warning should be issued if the 'name' and/or 'id' attribute values do
not match the Name production. I would not worry about checking fragment
identifiers in URIs that may be in the document.

For C.9: If there is a <head> element, add a
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content='text/html; charset="foo"'>
element as its first child. "foo" must be the same encoding identifier as
was used in the prolog.

C.10, C.11 and C.13 can be ignored.

C.12 can be easily enforced: on output, convert any "&" that is not
followed by "amp;" in an attribute value to "&amp;".


   - Mike
Mike J. Brown, software engineer, Webb Interactive Services
XML/XSL stuff: http://www.skew.org/ http://www.webb.net/

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