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list4xt : Mailing list for the XT users community.

[list4xt] Changes of direction 4xt

Subject: [list4xt] Changes of direction 4xt
From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 31/05/2000 - 23:08


I'd like to share with you 2 important changes in this site charter
discussed on the list previously known as "team4xt" :

1) We believe that XT is part of the XML patrimony and should be
maintained. Lacking any statement from James Clark on this point, we are
determined to organize its maintenance as needed.

2) To achieve this task, we will need the help of everyone on this list
and we have decided to merge the 2 lists team4xt (which will be closed)
and list4xt.

The next step will be to establish a todo list.

Those of you who are not interested in setting up these next steps,
should feel free to unsubscribe and eventually subscribe to "news4xt" on
which we will continue to post our news and announcements.

Thanks for your help.


Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://elbesocigars.com
http://merchantaccountforums.com -           http://adultforums247.com              http://centennialbanks.com

-- Mailing list for the XT users community. (http://waukeestatebank.com) (mailto:list4xt-request@4xt.org?Subject=unsubscribe to unsubscribe)

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