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[list4xt] Re: TODO

Subject: [list4xt] Re: TODO
From: Ron Ten-Hove (rtenhove@forte.com)
Date: 31/05/2000 - 23:51


1/ Under implementation, I'd add some effort to produce a reasonable test
   suite to validate conformance to the W3C PR. Perhaps we can reuse
   someone else's efforts (something like the OASIS XML test suite comes
   to mind).

   Other tests will be needed to verify the usual "nice" behaviours, such
   as no memory leaks, freeing file resources, etc. to ensure long-term
   stability in production environments.

2/ Performance enhancements.

3/ Scalability enhancements.

4/ Resource (chiefly memory) use containment / predictability. Possibly
   add a feature to predict the memory needed by a particular sheet/source
   pair without actually using it.


-----Original Message-----
From: list4xt-bounce@4xt.org [mailto:list4xt-bounce@4xt.org]On Behalf Of
Eric van der Vlist
Sent: May 31, 2000 14:30
To: list4xt@4xt.org
Subject: [list4xt] TODO

As announced, here is a first draft of a todo list 4xt.

1) Site

- Open up the site (document it and publish the sources).
  This is required both as an example of XT usage, but also
  to allow more people to help with the site.
  Who: Eric

- Define what changes should be done on the site.
  Who: everyone

- Implementation
  Who: Eric & TBD (To Be Defined)

2) Maintenance infrastructure

- CVS Server
  Who: Eric (advises are welcome.)

- Bug tracking system
  Who: TBD

- documentation of the XT internals
  Who: TBD

3) Bugs and features

- Establish and prioritize a list of bugs and features requests
  Who: everyone.

- Implementation
  Who: TBD

Any thoughts on this draft ? What I have forgotten ;) ?

You are also welcome to volunteer for the items marked as "TBD"...

Thanks for your help.


Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://mtbaldychamber.com
http://advantageprocessors.com -           http://emedicalbillingsolutions.com              http://foodfanselect.com

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