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[list4xt] Re: TODO

Subject: [list4xt] Re: TODO
From: Paul T (pault12345@yahoo.com)
Date: 01/06/2000 - 21:23

Hi Eric,

1. Maybe I'l write some document how to use that

SAXParser parser = new MyParser()


( This thing is used in PXSLServlet to turn SQL into the stream of SAX events and then invoke XT ).

Currently I'm working on some generalization of chaining, but those who want to see how to feed XT with SAX events can laready look at current source code of PXSLServlet PParser class. ( I'm currently writing clean and 'pure' implementation of the same functionality, but it may take a long time to get it finihsed ).

2. Eric, I can provide you with my configuration of 'cvs pserver' on Linux ( after I'l get outside the firewall ;-). By the way, do I uderstand right that 4xt.org is runs on Linux ? Also I think I could help with some rendering at 4xt.org after 4xt.org will become 'maintainable'.

3. I'l like to be wrong, but I don't think there is somebody who understands XT internals to the dergree that is sufficient for extending XT with missing XSL features, but I think the more hacks we'l publish on 4xt.org - the easier it will be to understand the XT core.

Because XT is expandable with java extensions, I personaly don't feel any real need in 'missing features' ( Oh - that's a long story sometimes not related to XT ;-) , but I understand that somebody may need and probably some day I'l find that I realy-realy need those features. When/if this will happen - I'l try to implement those.

I think this is the way it goes with open source.

Actualy, I was thinking about teaching XT to use non-unicode legacy encoding. But after I thought more about this, I realised that it is better to me to go unicode. ;-)

Nobody knows for sure what should be done. If lack of some feature ( Trax, e t.c. ) will be realy bothering - I think that feature will be implemented by somebody who will hit the actual problem. This is the way OpenSource *originaly* worked. ( I"m not talking about the behavior of commercial OpenSource brands - this is not how it worked before ).

My point is that I think that even keeping the priority list is important, it is not as important as the rest ;-) I think 'the rest' is:

 a. Keep site alive and self-improving.

 b. Keep this list alive.

 c. Don't hack the same thing twice => don't be scared to ask in this list if somebody is doing something similiar.

 d. Share the hacks ( or ideas - even you may think the idea is 'stupid'. There is no stupid ideas in this world, I think. It is always possible to turn the 'stupid idea' into something useful. )

 e. Keep the spirit nice ( like it is in EJBoss mailing list, like it is in blackdown malining list e t.c. ). This is the last but absolutely not the least. I will better to put it first.


PS. XT is fast, extpandable and almost 100% W3C standard. Building on top of another Java implementation is not worth the benefits. Supporting Trax around XT e t.c. - will be easy. Probably, it will be not bad to hack XT to understand MS IE stylesheets, Xalan extensions and make some other 'interoperability' steps, but I think it is too early yet. I decided that I'm better to stick to XT for next year and I think I'l not be alone ;-)

Eric van der Vlist wrote:

As announced, here is a first draft of a todo list 4xt.

1) Site

- Open up the site (document it and publish the sources).
This is required both as an example of XT usage, but also
to allow more people to help with the site.
Who: Eric

- Define what changes should be done on the site.
Who: everyone

- Implementation
Who: Eric & TBD (To Be Defined)

2) Maintenance infrastructure

- CVS Server
Who: Eric (advises are welcome.)

- Bug tracking system
Who: TBD

- documentation of the XT internals
Who: TBD

3) Bugs and features

- Establish and prioritize a list of bugs and features requests
Who: everyone.

- Implementation
Who: TBD

Any thoughts on this draft ? What I have forgotten ;) ?

You are also welcome to volunteer for the items marked as "TBD"...

Thanks for your help.


Eric van der Vlist Dyomedea http://collaboratorycoworking.com
http://atmforbusiness.com -   http://eupa2015.org http://e-medicalnews.com

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