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[list4xt] Re: TODO

Subject: [list4xt] Re: TODO
From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 01/06/2000 - 21:46

Hi Paul,

Paul T wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> 1. Maybe I'l write some document how to use that
> SAXParser parser = new MyParser()
> xsl.parse("unused")

Yes, it would be nice.
It would fit in the documentation I have begun to write about SAX and XT

> ( This thing is used in PXSLServlet to turn SQL into the stream of
> SAX events and then invoke XT ).
> Currently I'm working on some generalization of chaining, but those
> who want to see how to feed XT with SAX events can laready look at
> current source code of PXSLServlet PParser class. ( I'm currently
> writing clean and 'pure' implementation of the same functionality,
> but it may take a long time to get it finihsed ).
> 2. Eric, I can provide you with my configuration of 'cvs pserver'

Yes, thanks.
> on Linux ( after I'l get outside the firewall ;-). By the way, do I
> uderstand right that 4xt.org is runs on Linux ?

Yes and I'll document all this.
Briefly, let's say that 4xt.org is powered by Linux, Apache, Jserv,
Kaffe Java VM, htdig, listar, postfix, hypermail and some php and perl

> Also I think I could help with some rendering at 4xt.org after
> 4xt.org will become 'maintainable'.

Fine !

> 3. I'l like to be wrong, but I don't think there is somebody who
> understands XT internals to the dergree that is sufficient for
> extending XT with missing XSL features,

I'd say I hope you are wrong ;=) ...

> but I think the more hacks we'l publish on 4xt.org - the easier it
> will be to understand the XT core.
> Because XT is expandable with java extensions, I personaly don't feel
> any real need in 'missing features' ( Oh - that's a long story
> sometimes not related to XT ;-) , but I understand that somebody
> may need and probably some day I'l find that I realy-realy need those
> features. When/if this will happen - I'l try to implement those.
> I think this is the way it goes with open source.

Yes, probably.
I think it would be useful to document the APIs though (even if only
with javadoc).

> Actualy, I was thinking about teaching XT to use non-unicode
> legacy encoding. But after I thought more about this, I realised that
> it is better to me to go unicode. ;-)

Yes, probably.

> Nobody knows for sure what should be done. If lack of some feature
> ( Trax, e t.c. ) will be realy bothering - I think that feature
> will be implemented by somebody who will hit the actual problem.
> This is the way OpenSource *originaly* worked. ( I"m not talking
> about the behavior of commercial OpenSource brands - this is not
> how it worked before ).

Yes, but we should build the infrastructure and processes to let this
BTW, I don't think that TRaX really impacts the internals (but I may be

> My point is that I think that even keeping the priority list
> is important, it is not as important as the rest ;-) I think 'the rest' is:
> a. Keep site alive and self-improving.
> b. Keep this list alive.
> c. Don't hack the same thing twice => don't be scared to ask in this
> list if somebody is doing something similiar.
> d. Share the hacks ( or ideas - even you may think the idea is
> 'stupid'. There is no stupid ideas in this world, I think. It is
> always possible to turn the 'stupid idea' into something useful. )
> e. Keep the spirit nice ( like it is in EJBoss mailing list,
> like it is in blackdown malining list e t.c. ). This is the last but
> absolutely not the least. I will better to put it first.
> Rgds.Paul.
> PS. XT is fast, extpandable and almost 100% W3C standard. Building
> on top of another Java implementation is not worth the benefits.
> Supporting Trax around XT e t.c. - will be easy. Probably, it will be
> not bad to hack XT to understand MS IE stylesheets, Xalan extensions
> and make some other 'interoperability' steps, but I think it is too
> early yet. I decided that I'm better to stick to XT for next year
> and I think I'l not be alone ;-)

I hope so !

Thanks for your message.
I'll add your name to the CVS and site maintenance topics !


Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://elbesocigars.com
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