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list4xt : Mailing list for the XT users community.

[list4xt] Re: Volunteer : documentation

Subject: [list4xt] Re: Volunteer : documentation
From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 01/06/2000 - 23:54

Paul T wrote:
> 3) Secondary documentation should include an overview of the system
> architecture, primary design patterns, etc. (the stuff that won't
> change much as we evolve XT).
> # Hm... To me this is first, but javadoc is secondary ;-)

+1 !

This 'view from top' will be welcomed by anyone (including me ;) who
wants to enter into the code.

It's a "must read" guide to understand the javadoc which comes close


Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://mtbaldychamber.com
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