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[list4xt] Re: Announce on xsl-list

Subject: [list4xt] Re: Announce on xsl-list
From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 02/06/2000 - 20:13


Paul Tchistopolskii wrote:
> Eric,
> > For the completeness of these archives and for the few of you who are
> > not on xsl-list, I need to say that I have published an announcement [1]
> > on xsl-list which has been coldly received by David Carlisle [2] and
> > [3], Sebastian Rahtz [4] and James Clark [5].
> [2] and [3] are abstract. [4] should be ignored, because Sebastian
> is used to make ugly comments sometimes on some issues not
> understanding what realy happens ( after explaning him the detailes
> he usualy takes a step back - that is what already happened.)
> I think that David and Sebastian are *not* against the initiative, but they
> are against the situation itself ( very understandable - situation
> is crazy. Not because of Eric. ).

I hope so. I appreciate both of them (even if I don't them except by
their posts) and value their judgment.

> > To answer these concerns, I have posted an new message [6] in which I
> > announce the publication of the private emails exchange with James Clark
> > regarding 4xt [7] and the team4xt archives [8].
> >
> > Please feel free to tell me (on any list) what you think about the
> > maintenance initiative and if anything is necessary to improve our
> > communication.
> I think this is unfortunate that you had to publish private emails exchange
> to make things go ( even I understand that you had not too much choice
> in situation you got, and you got that situation not because of your actions. ).

After James' post, I needed to show that we have nothing to hide...

> Cool situation. The only way to stay polite is to make compliments to James
> and pray that he'll change his mind. This is the way W3C usually works.

I am willing to stay polite to James and still make another choice : to
use his Open Source code and maintain this.

The good news is that together, we can make this happen...


Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://boredomconference.com
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