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[list4xt] Re: Support for omquery (XPath query)

Subject: [list4xt] Re: Support for omquery (XPath query)

User: Website

From: Paul Tchistopolskii (pault12@pacbell.net)
Date: 03/06/2000 - 21:19

----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Pawson <dave.pawson@virgin.net>

> Could a future release of XT incorporate the
> 2 or 3 changes to XT, so that we don't need to
> use a 'xtdash.jar' from omquery?
> Or even better, could xt support some sort of an execute() method,
> to invoke a xpath query on a document?
> +1 for me. Grep on xml files!!!!
> Yes please.

.... I have a bit different view on this subject ....

Natural grep on XML files should be based on :

    evaluatable XPath ( restricted by XSLT standard )
    streaming processing ( also resctricted by XSTL, but let's forget about this yet ).

----- grep.xsl

<xsl:apply-templates select="xt:str2xpath($argv1)" />

But that's not possible, not possible, not possible ( if not using
SAXON-specific saxon:evaluate() extension ).

Is there anybody out there, who sees *any* way to hack XT to allow
evaluatable XPath's ? How easy it could be to add xt:evaluate() ?
Is this xt:evaluate() realy the best way ? ( Looks like "yes" for XSLT )

I mean there are some situations when XPath expression
is passed from the 'outher space' to the stylesheet.

'l appreciate *any* ideas how to hack XT to use this
'unpredictable' Xpath in <apply-templates select= .... >

Many thanks.


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