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[list4xt] Re: Support for omquery (XPath query) - cvs

Subject: [list4xt] Re: Support for omquery (XPath query) - cvs

User: Website

From: Marcel Ruff (ruff@swand.lake.de)
Date: 04/06/2000 - 11:13

Dave Pawson wrote:
> Could a future release of XT incorporate the
> 2 or 3 changes to XT, so that we don't need to
> use a 'xtdash.jar' from omquery?
> Or even better, could xt support some sort of an execute() method,
> to invoke a xpath query on a document?
> +1 for me. Grep on xml files!!!!
> Yes please.
What about feeding the current xt sources into a cvs repository
on 4xt.org?

Then i could commit the minor changes from omquery into

Maybe one day omquery would be donated to this repository as
well and XPath queries are incorporated.

You could hack your regex or other extensions into xt.

And James performance ideas could be intergrated.

What do you think?
Is this in the sense of James as well?


Marcel Ruff

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