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list4xt : Mailing list for the XT users community.

[list4xt] Re: Schematron [was : Support for omquery (XPathquery)]

Subject: [list4xt] Re: Schematron [was : Support for omquery (XPathquery)]
From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 05/06/2000 - 18:09

"Simon St.Laurent" wrote:
> That's it precisely. I'm sitting in a hotel room on a 19200 connection,
> and downloading large specs isn't fun for me right now...

No problem !
I hope the W3C will not reinvent different regexp for each
recommendation :=( (the APPEL regexp,for instance, are different...).

In the same area (interoperability), it could be useful as well (for
another type of applications) to be able to match CSS selectors -it's
probably a lower priority, though-.


Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://communitybankotc.com
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