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[list4xt] Fw: Managing semi-trivial sets of stylesheets.
Subject: [list4xt] Fw: Managing semi-trivial sets of stylesheets.
User: Website From: Paul Tchistopolskii (
Date: 07/06/2000 - 11:00
----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Tchistopolskii <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 1:58 AM
Subject: Managing semi-trivial sets of stylesheets.
> I have the following ( I think, typical ) hierarchy of XSL stylesheets:
> /ROOT/include/common.xsl
> /ROOT/project1/a.xsl
> /ROOT/project2/b.xsl
> I am placing some general purpose transformations into common.xsl
> and then I'm using:
> <xsl:include href="/ROOT/include/common.xsl" /> in a.xsl and b.xsl
> 1. I don't like the absolute path because:
> what if I have to place all the heap to /ROOT2/ - I'm forced to
> change a.xsl and b.xsl
> OK, so I'll write it
> <xsl:include href="../include/common.xsl" /> in a.xsl and b.xsl
> 2. I don't like the relative path because:
> what if I have to move:
> /ROOT/project1/a.xsl to /ROOT/project1/newbranch/a.xsl -
> I'm forced to change a.xsl
> Is there some 'XML mainstream' solution to this small problem?
> Many thanks.
> Rgds.Paul.
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