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[list4xt] Re: Fw: Managing semi-trivial sets of stylesheets.

Subject: [list4xt] Re: Fw: Managing semi-trivial sets of stylesheets.

User: Website

From: Leigh Dodds (ldodds@ingenta.com)
Date: 07/06/2000 - 11:50


> > 1. I don't like the absolute path because:

> > 2. I don't like the relative path because:

My solution to this has been to pull out this kind of configuration
data (e.g. root for directory structure, path to template, includes, etc)
into a config file, so I have:


Then in the stylesheet:

<xsl:variable name="configData" select="document('config.xml')" />
<xsl:variable name="includeDirectory" select="$configData/includes" />

<xsl:include href="$includeDirectory/common.xml" />

Although obviously there are various ways to break this down.

It has the added advantage that I pass less parameters on the command
line (I usually just pass in the path to the config file).

It seems to be pretty flexible.

Maybe not a 'mainstream XML' solution, but it works for me.



Leigh Dodds, Systems Architect       | "Pluralitas non est ponenda
http://weblogs.userland.com/eclectic |    sine necessitates"
http://www.xml.com/pub/xmldeviant    |     -- William of Ockham

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