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[list4xt] Todo list

Subject: [list4xt] Todo list

User: Website

From: Niklas Lindström (niklas.lindstrom@valtech.se)
Date: 08/06/2000 - 18:39


I've been developing in xslt for a about 8 months now, using XT more or
less all the time. It's still one of the most respectable achievments in
xslt, but I'm more than a little concerned about it's lagging behind.
Saxon seems to be catching up in speed quite efficiently (note: see the
issue about "keys" further down), and implements the specs splendidly.
Thus, even though you may have heard all of this before, I'd like to
send you some comments concerning what has proven quite important in my
development (Note: these are part of a list of thoughts I've already
sent to the creators of Sablotron @ gingerall.com; what has been
excluded here are things already working perfectly in XT).


1) The "key"-functionality simplifies and (should) speed up
cross-referenced xml greatly. XT does not implement this, but both
Saxon's and Xalan's performance seem to increase with up to 400% on
occasions, when this is used wisely. (Don't fully trust my benchmarks

2) Currently, I allow namespace-declared arbitrary xml in my
stylesheets. This is for two purposes. One is purely meta --
comment-attributes and xml-marked documentation for instance--, the
other is for referential xml (such as form-specific tables with
references to "raw" xml), which should be possible to reach via an empty
"document()"-call (returning the current stylesheet). In XT I have to
use the filename of the stylesheet though (and could therefore just as
easy use an auxiliary xml-file for such data - but I personally find
this approach more convenient.)

3) One nice feature in Xalan is that it accepts the old ns for xsl:
"http://www.w3.org/XSL/Transform/1.0", simply throwing a warning when it
is used. As XT is so old it does not accept the correct one (only this
old), all my stylesheets must be slighly modified to work in most new
   I guess this is obvious (and I guess it is so easy to change in XT
that I should have done it myself a long time ago; but it's worth
pointing out - especially due to the probability that both namespaces
are used "out there").

best wishes and regards
Niklas Lindström
Developer @ [Web Technologies] Valtech Sweden

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