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[list4xt] Re: Todo list

Subject: [list4xt] Re: Todo list

User: Website

From: James Clark (jjc@jclark.com)
Date: 10/06/2000 - 08:17

Niklas Lindström wrote:

> 1) The "key"-functionality simplifies and (should) speed up
> cross-referenced xml greatly.

In my view missing key support is the biggest problem with XT at the
moment; keys have proven to be more generally useful than I anticipated.

> 2) Currently, I allow namespace-declared arbitrary xml in my
> stylesheets. This is for two purposes. One is purely meta --
> comment-attributes and xml-marked documentation for instance--, the
> other is for referential xml (such as form-specific tables with
> references to "raw" xml), which should be possible to reach via an empty
> "document()"-call (returning the current stylesheet). In XT I have to
> use the filename of the stylesheet though (and could therefore just as
> easy use an auxiliary xml-file for such data - but I personally find
> this approach more convenient.)

That's something that I would expect to work in XT at the moment.
Sounds like a bug (possible specific to your setup).

> 3) One nice feature in Xalan is that it accepts the old ns for xsl:
> "http://www.w3.org/XSL/Transform/1.0", simply throwing a warning when it
> is used. As XT is so old it does not accept the correct one (only this
> old), all my stylesheets must be slighly modified to work in most new
> transformers.

Huh? The current version of XT accepts only the correct namespace URI.


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