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[list4xt] Sun XSLT compiler

Subject: [list4xt] Sun XSLT compiler
From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 15/06/2000 - 18:34


Sun is presenting at XML Europe a XSLT compiler compiling stylesheet
into Java byte code and bringing a huge performance improvement which
should become open source sooner or later.

(Leigh has written a xmlhack story about it

What do you think about this tool ?

The only drawback I can see from this architecture is for cases where
you are dynamically building XSLT sheets (the compiling time will very
likely be much longer than what we know with XT).

The memory print is another advantage : the compiled stylesheet takes
only some Ks and can be used as in applet mode by a client (removing any
issue of compatibility).

Do you think it can be a killer app for other XSLT implementations
(including XT) ?


Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://breckinridgecountychamberky.com
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