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[list4xt] Re: Sun XSLT compiler

Subject: [list4xt] Re: Sun XSLT compiler
From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 15/06/2000 - 22:21

Paul T wrote:

> 1. MS is promising streaming XSLT, Sun is promising compiled stylesheets.

I have not found MS announcement very clear either. If by streaming XSLT
they mean that they don't have to build a compatible DOM, or that
they'll generalize the use of sax events, XT is streamed as well.

A part from that, I wonder how you can evaluate XPath expressions if you
don't store a representation of the document.
> 2. At some time SAXON contained a support for compiled stylesheets, but then Michael Key stopped supporting that feature ( don't remember why and maybe he started to support it again?). Also, as far as I remember, there was no impressive benchmarking on compiled stylesheets.

Xalan has also a "compile" feature, but it's just a
serialization/deserialization of the stylesheet compiled as an object
(to avoid the parsing time).

It would probably not be a big deal to implement this on other XSLT
processors including XT.

What Sun does is different : they are directly producing the Java class
(byte code) which is performing the transformation.
> 3. Let us first see what will realy happen.

The condition under which the test was done was unclear (the guy who was
doing the demo was not able to tell much about it).

They should post more about this under http://www.sun.com/xml/ soon.
> I think even Sun will get the compiled stylesheets, XT will not die, but more likely XT ( which is 'interpreter') will go hand by hand with that 'compiler'. It is handy to have both. Well, if Sun will give both - that may 'kill' XT, but I'l prefer to wait until they'l give something better than press release. I found most of press-releases coming out of huge companies ( like "Adobe and Sun announce contest for XSL FO" ) to be very misleading.

They can be, sometimes.



Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://advantageautoquotes.com
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