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[list4xt] Re: Sun XSLT compiler

Subject: [list4xt] Re: Sun XSLT compiler

User: Website

From: Leigh Dodds (ccslrd@bath.ac.uk)
Date: 16/06/2000 - 08:55

> # What Michael did was real compilation of the
> stylesheet, like Sun is trying to do.
> What Sun does is different : they are directly
producing the Java class (byte code) which is
> performing the transformation.

Thats correct. Speaking to one of the developers on the
Sun standard here at XML Europe, he explained that they
were mapping the declarative XSLT stylesheet to pure
procedural code.

There are no XPaths in the compiled code - it appears
that they use directly procedural tests (whats the
parent, whats the child, etc) - refactoring the tests
when there are common sub-paths in the XPath expression.

The DOM implementation is highly optimised. For the
purpose of extension functions they expose the W3C DOM
interfaces, although its unclear whether the optimised
DOM is fully conformant.



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