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[list4xt] Re: Sun XSLT compiler

Subject: [list4xt] Re: Sun XSLT compiler
From: Paul T (pault12345@yahoo.com)
Date: 16/06/2000 - 22:00

Dave Pawson wrote:

release. I found most of press-releases coming out of huge
companies ( like "Adobe and Sun announce contest for XSL FO" )
to be very misleading.

I had an hour with the guy, he works in the same bit of sun as Norm W.
He showed it 'compiling' a small simple stylesheet, then applied it to
the xml file. He admitted its not a complete implementation yet.
Schedule is beta (incomplete) by end July. Then priority is to go
to the full rec.

It did work. Honest.

# I belive it works. Turning some part of the interpreter into compiler is for sure doable.

# ( Michael already did that). I'm suspicious about the efficiency.

Said he'd had some time with Mike Kay discussing some implementation

# Yeah, it will be very interesting how fast it will be. Sofar XP is faster than

# Sun's parser.

# Rgds.Paul.

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