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[list4xt] Re: Sun XSLT compiler

Subject: [list4xt] Re: Sun XSLT compiler

User: Website

From: Leigh Dodds (ldodds@ingenta.com)
Date: 18/06/2000 - 21:47

> -----Original Message-----
> From: list4xt-bounce@4xt.org [mailto:list4xt-bounce@4xt.org]On Behalf Of
> G. Ken Holman
> Sent: 17 June 2000 04:32
> To: list4xt@4xt.org
> Subject: [list4xt] Re: Sun XSLT compiler


> When speaking with the developer during the Paris show, I asked that he
> implement an on-demand request to obfuscate all the named XSLT constructs
> in the stylesheet and to remove under a separate request all top-level
> elements not in an instruction namespace.

Ken (or anyone else), did you happen to get the name(s) of the developers
of the Sun compiler, or another likely contact point? I've been chased up
by several people for further information since posting the xmlhack story,
and wanted to see if I could dig up anything further.



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