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[list4xt] Re: Sun XSLT compiler

Subject: [list4xt] Re: Sun XSLT compiler

User: Website

From: Dave Pawson (dave.pawson@virgin.net)
Date: 19/06/2000 - 19:34

     Simon St.Laurent

     I was more or less writhing in agony given my (continuing) strong
     dislike/disgust for FOs and the transformative style framework, but it
     certainly wasn't because Jon was being misleading.

     (Yes, I've come to terms with XSLT for certain classes of applications.
     No, I don't push it on the universe as the best thing since
     sliced bread.

It has a long way to go, but the idea is sound. When it becomes
easy (easier?) then I think we might see an increase in uptake.

People still want print Simon.

Regards, DaveP

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