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[list4xt] Re: Sun XSLT compiler

Subject: [list4xt] Re: Sun XSLT compiler
From: Dave Pawson (dave.pawson@virgin.net)
Date: 19/06/2000 - 19:53

     btw. Did anyone attend the presentation on the XSLT Virtual Machine [1]
     on Friday? Another very interesting session.

     The speaker was quite derogatory about XSLT in general
     (a 'toy' language lacking 'scientific rigour') and
     the current XSLT processors ('naive implementations').

     From what I understand the techniques he used in the
     project are being applied to the Oracle XSLT processor. I'm
     looking forward to see what they do with it.

     Anyone have any opinions/thoughts? Is this worth an open
     source effort? (not that I'm volunteering, VM/compiler implementation
     is a black art as far as I'm concerned)

     [1]. http://www.gca.org/papers/xmleurope2000/abs/s35-03.html

I attended it. Was this the France Telecomm guy? Had done the job
as requested but obviously not talked to others who've been there
before. could barely understand the question.
I didn't keep the print proceedings, is there anything in there anyone?
Doubt if there will be any open stuff behind it.

Regards, DaveP

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