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list4xt : Mailing list for the XT users community.

[list4xt] Re: Extensions to XT

Subject: [list4xt] Re: Extensions to XT

User: Website

From: Leigh Dodds (ldodds@ingenta.com)
Date: 21/06/2000 - 15:30

> I always liked literate programming. And I used CWEB by Knuth for a while,
> including for all the programs for my theses. But I stopped using
> it when I
> started working in the industry. JavaDoc made me think about literate
> programming again. But I could not find a satisfying literate programming
> tool.

Have you seen Marius?




Leigh Dodds, Systems Architect       | "Pluralitas non est ponenda
http://weblogs.userland.com/eclectic |    sine necessitates"
http://www.xml.com/pub/xmldeviant    |     -- William of Ockham

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