list4xt : Mailing list for the XT users community.[list4xt] xt:document. I hit the wall.Subject: [list4xt] xt:document. I hit the wall.From: Paul Tchistopolskii ( Date: 25/06/2000 - 07:42
This is for those of us who are using XLSProcessorImpl in
First I have to say that in XT we have '2 big parts' ( OM-based
class XSLProcessorImpl
public void setDocumentHandler(DocumentHandler handler) {
public void setOutputMethodHandler(OutputMethodHandler handler) {
Setting one disables another.
Then this distinction is passed to ResultBase ( MultiNamespaceResult )
The result is:
When running XSLProcessorImpl in SAXParser mode ( outputMethodHandler
class tr.DocumentAction {
public void invoke(ProcessContext context, Node sourceNode, Result result) throws
result = result.createResult(hrefExpr.eval(sourceNode, context));
( result is MultiNamespaceResult )
class MultiNamespaceResult {
public Result createResult(String uri) throws XSLException {
This returns null in SAX Parser mode ( because outputMehodHandler was
At the moment I see no way to work this around without changing
It will be great to chnage this in the future bugfixed release of
OK, OK, there could be different workarounds. One of them
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