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[list4xt] Re: XT in cvs?

Subject: [list4xt] Re: XT in cvs?
From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 25/06/2000 - 18:16


Marcel Ruff wrote:
> Hi,
> perhaps i missed it, but what is the
> current state of the XT cvs server?

No, you've not missed anything.
I have put it under low priority since documentation seemed to be
perceived as more important and I had many other things to do...
> Who is organizing cvs write access,
> and how/when/for whom/... will it be possible to contribute?

I doubt I will have enough time to spend this coming week, so let's say
the week after (staring July 3rd) if needed.


> thanks,
> Marcel
> --
> Marcel Ruff
> ruff@swand.lake.de
> http://www.lake.de/home/lake/swand/
> http://www.xmlBlaster.org
> --
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Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://leadinglinksdirectory.com
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