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[list4xt] Re: XSLT with a source with namespaces

Subject: [list4xt] Re: XSLT with a source with namespaces
From: Dave Pawson (dave.pawson@virgin.net)
Date: 05/07/2000 - 20:30

     Stephanie Martin

     Still looking for an answer for this question...
> Whenever I see examples of XSLT in use, 99% of them use literal
> result elements vs. using xsl:element. The same applies to
> xsl:attribute and others like it. Is there a "best practice"
> detail here that I should know about or is it whatever you feel
> like typing?
     <xsl:element name="myelement">

Having nicely mixed them up all day today, I'll take a chance.

1. For simplicity, if you know what you want,
use literals.
  <element attribute="value"> .....
(Also less typing)

2. when you need to work out the element name,
   use <xsl:element name="{xpath calc}">

3. When you know half of it

   <element-name attribute-1="value">
     <xsl:attribute name="{calculate-value}">
         <xsl:value-of select="calculated value"/>

Hope that helps.
Summary? Be as lazy as you can,
xml is verbose!

Regards, DaveP

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