list4xt : Mailing list for the XT users community.[list4xt] ANN: New RSS 1.0 online services and tools.Subject: [list4xt] ANN: New RSS 1.0 online services and tools.User: Website From: Eric van der Vlist ( 22/08/2000 - 15:10
The simplicity of a new technology mostly relies relies mostly on the
In order to allow the RSS authors to use their favorite tool to describe
* Dan Brickley announces a prototype XHTML to RSS 1.0 online extractor
The service generates an RSS 1.0 document using information extracted
The extractor's core is a stylesheet [3] developed by Eric van der Vlist
* Eric van der Vlist announces new stylesheets and Java tools [4] to
In addition to the conversion tools for RSS 0.9 and RSS 0.9.1 previously
This generator allows RSS authors to describe their channel in a user
[4] /downloads/rss/
More implementations of online conversion tools and mirror sites will be
Dan Brickley (
-- Mailing list for the XT users community. ( ( to unsubscribe)
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