list4xt : Mailing list for the XT users community.[list4xt] saxon:evaluateSubject: [list4xt] saxon:evaluateUser: Website From: Paul T ( 25/08/2000 - 00:36
Hi All.
If there is any probability to get xt:evaluate() in the XT core - I'l dance and be the happiest person in the world.
Working on next version of Ux I faced the very important need in saxon:evaluate. Because I'm using pipes of the stylesheets, not 'one stylesheet', and I'm decomposing complex transformations into pipes of simple transformations, I'm receiving situations similiar to 'grep in XSLT'. 'grep in XSLT' could be trivial to write when it is possible to turn some parameter ( string ) into XPath on-the-fly. In current version of Ux (v 0.3) there is actually version of grep which understands -v and some other Ux components are building on grep -v. I mean that I can not ( and don't want to ) drop grep. Current Ux grep is implemented in ugly 2-step transformation, when first transformation generates the stylesheet-to-be-applied and then stylesheet-to-be-applied gets executed. It was OK for me to have this mess in just one place. But with diff / sed I'l have to do the same and all that mess happens only because there is no evaluatable XPath in XT ( and XSLT ) core. I don't want to write a messy code, when it is easely Placing 'evaluate' into XT core looks hard because of many reasons. Not only technical. Very funny, actually. The only reason why I have to drop XT has *no* relation to XSLT standard at all.
Because the status of XT is 'dropped' ( at least I got such understanding ), I think there is a small probability to get a 'blessed' xt:evaluate() - this means I have to switch to SAXON ( which is a pain to me, because SAXON could not be invoked in the SAX mode e t.c. ). In any way I will have to write some code - either for SAXON or for XT. The problem is that the code I have to write for SAXON will not kill SAXON, but if I write evaluatable XPath for XT - I'l kill XT. This is not what I want to do. The third workaround is to drop pipes and forget it all. Unfortunately, it is not a workaround to me - I can not drop pipes. They are extremely important entity.
I'l appreciate greatly any workaround or just small blink of light on XT future.
Many thanks.
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