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[list4xt] Future of XT [was: saxon:evaluate]

Subject: [list4xt] Future of XT [was: saxon:evaluate]
From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 25/08/2000 - 08:54

Hi Paul,

I will not address the technical feasibility of xt:evaluate here, but
try to answer the question about the future of XT.

The simple answer is that the future of XT is in our hands.

(James will refute my statement if the Thai Open Source
(http://thaiopensource.com/) is planning to support XT.)

Paul T wrote:
> Because the status of XT is 'dropped' ( at least I got such understanding )

I'd rather say 'on hold'.

We have here a place where XT geeks can meet and we can start working on
the maintenance any time we want.

It seems to me that we just miss some issues painful enough to kick it

Best regards.


Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://stmarksfcu.com
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