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[list4xt] How do you set the XSLProcessor as a DocumentHandler ?

Subject: [list4xt] How do you set the XSLProcessor as a DocumentHandler ?

User: Website

From: Sebastien Sahuc (ssahuc@imediation.com)
Date: 25/08/2000 - 18:15


I wonder how do you set the XSLProcessorImpl as a DocumentHandler.

Indeed I'm receiving SAX events from a SAX producer (Cocoon2 filter to be
more precise), and I would like these SAX events to feed a XSLPRocessor
instance. Am I asking the right question ? If so is it possible to do it

In fact I'm trying to write an Filter for the cocoon2 project, and I know
Eric to be on the cocoon list, would you help me ?

Thanks in advance,


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