list4xt : Mailing list for the XT users community.[list4xt] Re: saxon:evaluateSubject: [list4xt] Re: saxon:evaluateFrom: Eric van der Vlist ( Date: 26/08/2000 - 17:12
Hi Paul,
Paul T wrote:
I think Dave was just referring here the "My 0,02 Euros" with which I
More exactly, I meant generating A stylesheet (not THE stylesheet) on
xt:transform-node-set(nodexml, nodexsl) would require 2 parameters which
> If generating only *small part* of the stylesheet on the fly is evil, why "generate the entire stylesheet on the fly" is *less* evil ???
I am not sure I fully get James' point, but I think he wants to stick to
xt:evaluate would create kind of internal loops.
xt:transform-node-set would externally "fork" another transformation and
> Also, I think that implementation of Eric's 'execution of the stylesheet which is compiled into nodeset' will require much more work than implementation of xt:evaluate.
I am not so sure.
Don't you think so ?
> What really happens inside XSLT engine is that *data* ( XML ) is compiled into one structure ( engine-specific node-set ), but *code* ( XSL ) is compiled into different internal structure. Yes, both code ( XML ) and data ( XSL ) have common 'access' with SAX when engine reads XML or XSL - both are turned into the stream of SAX events - but this 'common' happes only on the level of syntax parsing, not on the level of semantcis aka internal representation.
Again, I am not sure it's that difficult to implement...
Anyway, I was just trying to find a bridge between your request and
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eric van der Vlist Dyomedea - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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