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[list4xt] Re: saxon:evaluate

Subject: [list4xt] Re: saxon:evaluate
From: Dave Pawson (daveP@dpawson.freeserve.co.uk)
Date: 26/08/2000 - 19:24

>I think Dave was just referring here the "My 0,02 Euros" with which I
>use to end the messages in which I give a personal opinion ;=) ...

Yes, I was smiling at two Europeans seeing things differently :-)

>I am not sure I fully get James' point, but I think he wants to stick to
>the pure single way SAX streaming diagram:
> ------------------
>-- XML stream -->| XSLT |
> | Transformation | --XML output
>-- XSL stream -->| -----------> |
> ------------------
>xt:evaluate would create kind of internal loops.

Mike Kay expressed this fairly simply.
Once the XSLT engine has loaded the stylesheet, there is no more to do.
Everything in the stylesheet is static from that point.

I guess this is what James is referring to
[to which James is referring?]

Sorry to confuse Paul.

Regards DaveP

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