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[list4xt] Re: 4xt.org ITALIC ????

Subject: [list4xt] Re: 4xt.org ITALIC ????
From: Paul Tchistopolskii (pault12@pacbell.net)
Date: 27/08/2000 - 11:03

> font-family: lucida sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif, times;
> Rather classical...

Hmm ... On my box I have

Lucida Handwriting Italic
Lucida Sans Italic
Lucida Sans Unicode

I guess this is the problem. Somehow Lucida Sans Unicode ( which is not italic )
is not invoked, but Lucida Sans Italic is invoked. I have no Helvetica and of course,
Arial is fine ;-)

After I changed it to:

font-family: lucida sans unicode, lucida sans, helvetica, arial, sans-serif, times;

Everything looks fine ( a bit strange, but not italic ;-)


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