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[list4xt] Re: saxon:evaluate

Subject: [list4xt] Re: saxon:evaluate

User: Website

From: Paul Tchistopolskii (pault12@pacbell.net)
Date: 27/08/2000 - 11:32

> If I was facing a blocking issue with XT and had a reasonable solution
> to propose, I would personally consider branching, especially since
> James has said he'll let XT fade away.

I just can't really belive James will kill his child ( the child is darn good
and is scalable because of SAX mode ). People are changing their minds
sometimes and I was thinking that the descision of dropping XT is
still questionable to some degree. Well ... I got the impression that
there could some 'bugfixing' release of XT and in any way I think
it is not reasonable to start branching before that 'bugfixing' release.
> The problem of the name doesn't seem so important. Depending on James
> feelings, it could still be XT, become something like openXT or anything
> else.

Branching is serous procedure. It is too serious.
> On the other hand, I would also compare this branching to switching to
> another processor and if you feel that Saxon can better meet your needs,
> I'll understand your "migration"...

I see it this way:

The only thing I need from XT is not key(), not implementation of some
more axis in match= ( there are some not implemented ),
not 'better diagnostics' e t.c. - the only thing I need is xt:evaluate and this is
because my usage of XT is extreme. As I said before - in the absense of pipes -
there is no need in xt:evaluate, using stdin | stdout pipe for chaning
the 'generated stylesheet' is possible ( that's what James said, and
he is right. But I'm also right ;-) . My particular problem is that
stdin | stdout are *already* taken by XML, so this 'generated stylesheet'
scenario does not fit well into my model. So the only way to have
a nice code for my extreme usage of XT is xt:evaluate. So my desire
for xt:evaluate - could be considered to be exotic ( and I understand this ).

If for some ( any ) reason James Clark is strongly against xt:evaluate in XT -
taking his child and turing that child into something which is ugly from his
point of view - it is not the thing I want to do. I'm doing many different hacks,
but this kind of hack is not 'natural' to me. Well ... branching XT without
understanding James' position on that branching is also not natural to me
at all.

2 weeks ago I was thinking that I don't need xt:evaluate at all. Now I see
that I need it. Things are changing and maybe next week we'l get some
unpredictable new release of XT. Who knows? ;-)


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