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[list4xt] Re: 4xt.org ITALIC ????

Subject: [list4xt] Re: 4xt.org ITALIC ????

User: Website

From: Mike Brown (mike@skew.org)
Date: 28/08/2000 - 04:38

Dave Pawson wrote:
> > The problem is "lucida sans unicode".
> Anyone found a windows version of this font please?

Lucida Sans Unicode comes with Windows 98, Windows NT 3.51 and Windows NT
4.0. An updated version of it comes with Windows NT Service Pack 4. It
also comes in the Windows 95 Plus! Pack, and with the Microsoft Works

A web search for +"lucida sans unicode" +download
should turn up a few FTP sites where you can get unlicensed copies...

   - Mike
Mike J. Brown, software engineer at My XML/XSL resources:
webb.net in Denver, Colorado, USA http://www.skew.org/xml/

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