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[list4xt] Need help on setting mime type to SVG please

Subject: [list4xt] Need help on setting mime type to SVG please

User: Website

From: Larry_Mason@i2.com
Date: 06/09/2000 - 18:39

For some reason I can not produce the proper magic to tell the browser the
document contains SVG. Here is the head of my XSLT file.

         doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD SVG 20000802//EN"

I've also tried

Here is how I invoke the process

What I get rendered is XML not the SVG graphic.

However if I invoke the following
which contains
<%@ page contentType="image/svg-xml" %>
<jsp:include page="/servlet/xslt?xmlfile=data.xml&xslfile=chart.xsl"/>

it displays properly.
So the XSLT processing is building proper SVG code but somewhere the
document type is not being set.

Looking for suggestions on a fix. The JSP approach is not acceptable in my


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