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[list4xt] Re: response.setContentType("text,vnd.wap.xml")

Subject: [list4xt] Re: response.setContentType("text,vnd.wap.xml")
From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 01/12/2000 - 22:47

Oooops, sorry, my mistake !

There is a mechanism that passes the HttpServletResponse to the output

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
                throws ServletException, IOException {
        outputMethodHandler.setDestination(new ServletDestination(response));

but the media type is NOT used in the XMLOutputHandler:

  public DocumentHandler init(Destination dest, AttributeList atts)
throws IOException {
    this.out = dest.getOutputStream("application/xml", null);

If my implementation is working, it's because I am not using the
XMLOutputHandler but my XHTMLOutputHandler [1] that does use the

  public DocumentHandler init(Destination dest, AttributeList atts)
throws IOException {
    String mediaType = atts.getValue("media-type");
    if (mediaType == null)
      mediaType = "text/html";

I had omitted to say this since my motivation for using this output
handler was to send iso-8859-1 documents (which XMLOutputHandler doesn't
support) and I had assumed the 2 methods had the same way to handle the
media types !

As a short term solution, you can either use the XHTMLOutputHandler or
modify the XML OutputHandler as shown above.

Sorry for the confusion.



See you at XML 2000
Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://sunbirdinteractive.com
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