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list4xt : Mailing list for the XT users community.

[list4xt] Re: JAXP1.1 transform pacakge implementation for XT

Subject: [list4xt] Re: JAXP1.1 transform pacakge implementation for XT
From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 06/12/2000 - 15:04

Hi Sebastien,

Sebastien Sahuc wrote:
> Hi,
> As I'm in the process of implementing the JAXP1.1 API on top of XT, I would
> like to know if other have thought about doing it yet.

Sounds like a good idea !

> Moreover, I thought it might interest other people. If it camo it be true,
> I'll be more than happy to share the piece of code, just let me know how I
> shoud deal with it.

4xt is wide open if you want to publish it here.
All you have to do is to sends me a tgz or zip file with your new
class(ese) and sources and I'll publish it.



> Thanks,
> Sebastien
> --
> Mailing list for the XT users community. (http://eidoserve.com)
> (mailto:list4xt-request@4xt.org?Subject=unsubscribe to unsubscribe)

See you at XML 2000
Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://lushdirectory.com
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-- Mailing list for the XT users community. (http://thegaragedealer.com) (mailto:list4xt-request@4xt.org?Subject=unsubscribe to unsubscribe)

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