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[list4xt] Re: Should we let XT fade away (Last Call)

Subject: [list4xt] Re: Should we let XT fade away (Last Call)

User: Website

From: Gavin Thomas Nicol (gtn@ebt.com)
Date: 29/03/2001 - 11:31

> XT is missing a couple of important features (IMHO, at least keys and
> namespaces nodes) that should be implemented and I had recently to
> switch to SAXON for my examplotron that I couldn't implement using XT.

Namespace nodes for sure...

> Should we let XT fade away (and if not, is anyone willing to help) ?

I'll jump in. I actually have a hacked version here I call XT++ that
supports XPointer (in particular, ranges) for match and select patterns.
I'd be interested in cleaning up XT code to make the hacks a little
easier ;-)

If we're to work on it, I'd suggest going through and cleaning up the
code, commenting it, etc. as a starting point... we can establish some
coding standards for this. After that, we can add functionality.

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