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[list4xt] Re: CVS and sourceforge (was:Should we let XT fade away (Last Call))

Subject: [list4xt] Re: CVS and sourceforge (was:Should we let XT fade away (Last Call))

User: Website

From: Mike Brown (mike@skew.org)
Date: 29/03/2001 - 19:55

Gavin Thomas Nicol wrote:
> OpenXT is fine (though open is used way too much nowadays)... I kind of
> like 4xt too. Perhaps oxt, or eXTra?

4XT would probably lead to confusion with the Python-based 4Suite set of
XML/XSL processing tools. OpenXT is a name you will regret in 2 years. You
might as well say CyberXT or HyperXT or ..what was that marketing fad.. "My"

I don't see any reason to change the name, especially if James Clark is
willing to point to the new project from his XT page. And I think any
attempts to be clever about a name change are just going to make things
confusing because people won't think it's a continuation of XT, plus it
will dilute the established brand of good ol' XT.

   - Mike
mike j. brown, software engineer at | xml/xslt: http://skew.org/xml/
webb.net in denver, colorado, USA | personal: http://hyperreal.org/~mike/

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