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[list4xt] Using XT to process dynamically generated XML

Subject: [list4xt] Using XT to process dynamically generated XML

User: Website

From: Berkey, Craig (cberkey@proxicom.com)
Date: 10/07/2001 - 14:23

We have an application that dynamically creates an XML as a String
object, then uses an XSL processor/stylesheet to convert that XML into
HTML. I've seen how other processors like LotusXSL/Xalan have an API
that can perform a transformation on a such a dynamically generated XML
String object, but all of the XT examples I have seen so far (like the
XSLServlet) require a fixed XML file. I don't want to create temporary
files for each XML String I generate. Does anybody know if (or know of
any examples where) XT has the ability to perform a transformation on a
dynamically generated XML that doesn't exist as a file on a machine?


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