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list4xt : Mailing list for the XT users community.

[list4xt] Re: DocumentHandler

Subject: [list4xt] Re: DocumentHandler
From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 18/09/2001 - 15:04


Pascal Pannetier wrote:

> Hi,
> I arrived in your mailling list and I start in Java XML.
> When I compile a exemple for xsl java servlet I have a compilation error,
> and I don't understand why?

The messages in the snippet you show below are warnings, not errors.

These warnings are just meant to say what they are saying: the names of
the classes that have been modified between SAX1 and SAX2 have been
changed and the old ones are "deprecated": you can still use them but
the compiler warns you that thay might not been included in the next

XT has been developed on the SAX 1 API and you can't avoid these
messages when tou want to work with XT and SAX2 unless you compile with

> Can you help me?

Hope this helps.


See you in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Eric van der Vlist       http://merchant-account-info-zone.com -              http://americancarquotes.com
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