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[list4xt] The interpreter of the Lambda-calculation in XSLT

Subject: [list4xt] The interpreter of the Lambda-calculation in XSLT
From: korlyukov (korlyukov@grsu.grodno.by)
Date: 06/11/2001 - 11:58

There is the interpreter of the Lambda-calculation in XSLT.

For more details, please see http://www.refal.net/~korlukov/lambda/

This program is one more proof, that "XSLT is turing complete".

I have 7 examples:
Example 1. iszero one
Example 2. succ (succ (succ (succ zero )))
Example 3. pred zero
Example 4. pred (add (add one one )one )
Example 5. factorial zero
Example 6. factorial (add one one )
Example 7. factorial (add (add one one )one )

Times of execution of these examples

          saxon xt lotusxsl xalan
           6.4.3 -j_2_0_0 -j_2_2_D11

1 1.792 0.480 1.983 3.685
2 2.935 0.831 3.024 5.988
3 3.074 0.861 3.264 6.229
4 8.022 2.413 8.092 15.843
5 12.348 3.605 11.296 19.198
6 ------- 27.139 70.592 120.463
7 ------- 47.829 129.246 225.174

Time - Execution time (seconds) without Preparation time.
The examples were carried out on the computer with the processor intel
500 MHz, 256 MB , Windows 2000.

Alexandr Korlyukov
The professor of the Grodno state university
email - korlyukov@grsu.grodno.by

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