list4xt : Mailing list for the XT users community.
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Starting: 21/04/2000 - 16:08
Ending: 06/11/2001 - 05:45
- 'expected x, not z"......
- ...nits)
- ITALIC ????
- <xsl:param> implemented in XT ?
- [list4xt] 'expected x, not z"......
- [list4xt] ITALIC ????
- [list4xt] <xsl:param> implemented in XT ?
- [list4xt] a bit off-topic - mailers
- [list4xt] Advise : CVS
- [list4xt] ANN. UX v 0.2. Grep in XSLT.
- [list4xt] ANN: New RSS 1.0 online services and tools.
- [list4xt] Announce on xsl-list
- [list4xt] Can one get output in HTML
- [list4xt] Changes of direction 4xt
- [list4xt] CVS and sourceforge (was:Should we let XT fade away (Last Call))
- [list4xt] CVS organization
- [list4xt] Destination other than HttpServletResponse
- [list4xt] DocumentHandler
- [list4xt] Entities in output file. why?
- [list4xt] Eric's XhtmlOutputHandler
- [list4xt] Extension Function Problem
- [list4xt] Extension functions question
- [list4xt] Extension mechanism question
- [list4xt] Extensions to XT
- [list4xt] Future of XT [was: saxon:evaluate]
- [list4xt] Hacking XT to work with non-unicode.
- [list4xt] handling stylesheet errors
- [list4xt] HDMLOutputHandler throws NullPointer exception when used with Out putStreamDestination
- [list4xt] How do you set the XSLProcessor as a DocumentHandler ?
- [list4xt] How to pass node set to a template?
- [list4xt] How to pass parameters to DOM version of XT XSLTProcessor ?
- [list4xt] How to use compiled xsl style sheet repeatedly
- [list4xt] illegal arguments error?
- [list4xt] input/output xml string on xt
- [list4xt] JAXP1.1 transform pacakge implementation for XT
- [list4xt] Jetty
- [list4xt] mime-mapping?
- [list4xt] MIssing <!DOCTTPE..>
- [list4xt] More precise error location
- [list4xt] Naive XSLT [was: Sun XSLT compiler]
- [list4xt] Name
- [list4xt] Need help on setting mime type to SVG please
- [list4xt] Newbie trying XT
- [list4xt] Null pointer exception in XT
- [list4xt] Output as a string
- [list4xt] Output non-XML string
- [list4xt] PHP & project-systems
- [list4xt] Question . . .
- [list4xt] reports from the * lines : XSLT: <--> XPathScript
- [list4xt] retracting previous email; can we disable the XMLNS-checking?
- [list4xt] RTF parser
- [list4xt] saxon:evaluate
- [list4xt] Schematron [was : Support for omquery (XPath query)]
- [list4xt] Setting the output method in a java program
- [list4xt] Should we let XT fade away (Last Call)
- [list4xt] Simple question about XSLT.
- [list4xt] Status of XT
- [list4xt] String2RTF.
- [list4xt] Sun XSLT compiler
- [list4xt] Support for omquery (XPath query)
- [list4xt] The Future of XT on XML-Deviant
- [list4xt] The interpreter of the Lambda-calculation in XSLT
- [list4xt] TODO
- [list4xt] Todo list
- [list4xt] TRaX ; 'competitive watch'
- [list4xt] TraX and SAX.
- [list4xt] TraX and xsl:key
- [list4xt] Turing machine for XT
- [list4xt] Using XT to process dynamically generated XML
- [list4xt] vague bug-report
- [list4xt] Volunteer : documentation
- [list4xt] Volunteer : TRaX
- [list4xt] Welcome on list4xt
- [list4xt] XHTML output handler nits
- [list4xt] XML Europe 2000
- [list4xt] XML to WML translation
- [list4xt] XPath query
- [list4xt] XSL not in a file ...
- [list4xt] xsl:include question
- [list4xt] xslide
- [list4xt] XSLT with a source with namespaces
- [list4xt] XT
- [list4xt] XT and XHTML
- [list4xt] XT calls in Java method
- [list4xt] XT extensions and API
- [list4xt] XT in cvs?
- [list4xt] XT last() bug (fwd)
- [list4xt] xt shortfall
- [list4xt] xt:document. I hit the wall.
- a bit off-topic - mailers
- ANN. Ux v 0.1
- Announce on xsl-list
- ANNOUNCE: XML Query Engine
- Can one get output in HTML
- CVS and sourceforge (was:Should we let XT fade away (Last Call))
- Destination other than HttpServletResponse
- documentation
- DocumentHandler
- Entities in output file. why?
- Eric's XhtmlOutputHandler
- Eric: response.setContentType("text,vnd.wap.xml")
- Extension Function Problem
- Extension functions question
- Extension mechanism question
- Extensions to XT
- Hacking XT to work with non-unicode.
- handling stylesheet errors
- How do you set the XSLProcessor as a DocumentHand
- How do you set the XSLProcessor as a DocumentHandler ?
- How to pass node set to a template?
- How to pass parameters to DOM version of XT XSLTProcessor ?
- How to use compiled xsl style sheet repeatedly
- HTML output handler proposed behavior
- illegal arguments error?
- input/output xml string on xt
- JAXP1.1 transform pacakge implementation for XT
- Managing semi-trivial sets of stylesheets.
- mime-mapping?
- MIssing <!DOCTTPE..>
- Naive XSLT [was: Sun XSLT compiler]
- Name
- Newbie trying XT
- Null pointer exception in XT
- Output as a string
- Output non-XML string
- PHP & project-systems
- Question . . .
- response.setContentType("text,vnd.wap.xml")
- retracting previous email; can we disable the XMLNS-checking?
- retracting previous email; can we disable theXMLNS-checking?
- retracting previous email; can we disablethe XMLNS-checking?
- saxon:evaluate
- Schematron [was : Support for omquery (XPath query)]
- Schematron [was : Support for omquery (XPathquery)]
- Should we let XT fade away (Last Call)
- Simple question about XSLT.
- Status of XT
- Sun XSLT compiler
- Support for omquery (XPath query)
- Support for omquery (XPath query) )
- Support for omquery (XPath query) - cvs
- Support for omquery(XPath query) )
- Support foromquery(XPath query) )
- Supportforomquery(XPath query) )
- Tidy as output handler (was: XT and XHTML)
- Todo list
- TRaX ; 'competitive watch'
- TraX and SAX.
- TraX and xsl:key
- Using XT to process dynamically generated XML
- Volunteer : documentation
- Volunteer : TRaX
- XHTML output handler nits
- XML Europe 2000
- XML to WML translation
- XPath query
- xsl:include question
- xslide
- xslide )
- XSLT with a source with namespaces
- XT and XHTML
- XT in cvs?
Last message date: 06/11/2001 - 05:45
Archived on: 06/11/2001 - 11:46 CET
380 messages sorted by:
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About this archive
Archive générée par hypermail 2b28 le 06/11/2001 - 11:46 CET