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[team4xt] FAQ 4xt

Subject: [team4xt] FAQ 4xt

User: Website

From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 18/04/2000 - 12:36

I have published a first draft of the faq4xt (/faq/).

I ** think ** I have included most of the xt specific q&a from the xml
files kindly provided by Dave.

If you want to have a look and tell me if I have missed something

You'll see that it's a very simple draft without any category (we will
add categories and split the document when we will have more

The faq xml file is already 86k big and you'll see that the response
time is still acceptable (I think).

XT really is really a wonderful product !

For Paul, I will add that this is an example where the lack of side
effect makes that you have to process the xml document twice (once for
the table of content and then again for the detail).



Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://dyomedea.com
creator                  http://xmlfr.org            http://ducotede.com
editor                   http://xmlhack.com              http://dmoz.org

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