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[team4xt] Re: Subscription and search

Subject: [team4xt] Re: Subscription and search

User: Website

From: Paul Tchistopolskii (pault12@pacbell.net)
Date: 21/04/2000 - 12:35

Hi Eric,

I very much like the GUI of "Home" but not the GUI of
'List'. ( I don't understand if there is any need in "More"
hyperlinks duplicating the "normal" hyperlinks -
but that's minor problem, I think you'l anyway change
some screens - your are moving forward *very* fast
from my point of view ;-)

1. I'l suggest to have only one subscription ( List4xt ).

( Actualy, I would even suggest to have only
one list == team4xt opened to everyone, because
I expect that there will be not too much traffic
and I think that it is better to fork a new lists
when traffic becomes to hight than to have 3
lists ( one active and 2 empty ;-)

2. Search is somehow broken.
To test:

        Enter the word "PXSL"
        and press 'Search' hyperlink from the 'toolbar'.
        This brings *empty* search form.

        When entering the same word "PXSL" into *this*
        form - the search produces one match.

       And that match is *broken*.

I feel there is 2 problems with the search.


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