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[team4xt] Re: Subscription and search

Subject: [team4xt] Re: Subscription and search

User: Website

From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 21/04/2000 - 13:13

Hi Paul,

Paul Tchistopolskii wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> I very much like the GUI of "Home" but not the GUI of
> 'List'. ( I don't understand if there is any need in "More"
> hyperlinks duplicating the "normal" hyperlinks -
> but that's minor problem, I think you'l anyway change
> some screens - your are moving forward *very* fast
> from my point of view ;-)

Yes, I am still in RAD mode ;) The good thing with XSLT + CS&S is that
it's *** very *** flexible.

I am trying to provide a direct access to the most recent items from the
home page.
> 1. I'l suggest to have only one subscription ( List4xt ).
> ( Actualy, I would even suggest to have only
> one list == team4xt opened to everyone, because
> I expect that there will be not too much traffic
> and I think that it is better to fork a new lists
> when traffic becomes to hight than to have 3
> lists ( one active and 2 empty ;-)

My goal was to separate the news (announcements : news4xt) from the
discussion (list4xt).
I see 2 reasons why this can be useful : the bandwidth of these 2
channels is different and the news are coming from the contributors and
should therefor (in theory) be more reliable than the discussion.
The idea behind the 3rd list (team4xt) is also to create private channel
for the contributors team to build a team "spirit".

But your point ( one active and 2 empty ;-) is very valid also and I'd
like to know what the other contributors think about this.

> 2. Search is somehow broken.
> To test:
> Enter the word "PXSL"
> and press 'Search' hyperlink from the 'toolbar'.
> This brings *empty* search form.

That what was intended, the Search hyperlink is for a full empty search
I realize it's confusing and will change this with some javascript...
> When entering the same word "PXSL" into *this*
> form - the search produces one match.

I will check. I have probably not rebuilt the search db after a change.
> And that match is *broken*.
> I feel there is 2 problems with the search.




Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://dyomedea.com
creator                  http://xmlfr.org            http://ducotede.com
editor                   http://xmlhack.com              http://dmoz.org

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